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"Water is the main component of the human body, an essential nutrient involved in all the body's fundamental functions: without water there would be no life. Our well-being is closely linked to water, but despite being one of the simplest elements available for everyone, its role in health issues is too frequently overlooked, even by physicians. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is one of the easiest exercises for keeping in shape, but what to drink and when to drink? This multidisciplinary meeting represents the response to the increasing attention paid by the media to the issue of water, plus the chance to carry out a scientific analysis of the role this ""precious resource"" plays in promoting good health. The conference gathers together in a confrontation the top national and international experts in this sector who, starting from an examination of the availability and mineralisation of water, will help participants focus on the relationships, often unknown, existing between water, or rather, waters, and the various organs and systems of our body. In addition to the general topics, the programme will also be addressing unusual themes including an analysis of the effects of water on the mind and cognitive states, and the practical aspects of hydration in all the various situations of our lives, from childhood to old age. Our goals are to enhance knowledge on topics that are still controversial and to provide a valid updating with positive healthcare effects. I look forward to meeting you in Cesena, Best regards " 

President of the Meeting Dr. Alessandro Zanasi

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